Thursday, January 15, 2009


We got a Nancy Drew game to play with the family together. we had to meet a guy named Enrico and to get information from him we had to win him at scopa after that my dad downloaded it to his computer so he could play it as much as he wanted

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


My sisters playing barbies with their friend Ivy while eating a snack in our back yard. Ivy has been their friend since March 8 2008.

Sleep time

Going to bed at 9:00pm and waking up at 7:25am isn't my idea of fun My brother and I like to sleep in

Acting cool

My brother acting cool before we went to bed on Sunday night. Being tired but still able to act cool

January 3, 2009

Playing risk with Dad On another rainy and cold day. We played for four hours before my dad won. My mom went to Peggy's house to get her hair cut and she stayed for about three hours.

january 2 2009

My brother playing the computer because he was bored and couldn't go outside because of how rainy and cold it was. He was playing age of empires a new game we got. We got the computer the girls got the gamecube and the gameboys

note: camera date was wrong! I did take this on the 2nd! I fixed it!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Years Morning

On New Years morning I took a picture of my brother sleeping because he tried to stay up to 12:00 and slept in late